

At Ayster, we strongly believe that adhesives are important in creating a more sustainable world. We want to work actively to change the economy and society to be more sustainable. We aim to protect and restore nature and also help create strong communities. Our Sustainability Ambition Framework outlines our goals for the future in three areas:


– taking care of the environment, 

– supporting communities, 

– and being a reliable partner.

Our ultimate aim is to create a positive and lasting impact for future generations.

At Ayster, we believe that being sustainable means continuously working to improve current problems and constantly learning about new issues, using scientific knowledge. The world’s population is growing, and people are using more resources and causing damage to ecosystems. Human actions are putting almost one million species at risk of disappearing forever. The earth’s changing climate is a big problem that people need to do something about right away. It is very important to keep our forests, water, and biodiversity safe and healthy for now and the years to come. At the same time, poverty and inequality are getting worse all around the world. This is putting human rights and the foundation of how we live together in danger. 

We recognize that companies like Ayster contribute to solving these problems and making significant changes. 

We think that using sticky solutions can greatly lessen the impact of many industries and the objects we use every day. This can be done by making things last longer, improving insulation, fixing instead of throwing away, making things smaller and lighter, or making recycling easier.

Our goal is to make less negative effects and make more positive influence through what we produce, how we do things, and our commitment to society.

We work hard to improve our company by developing new materials through research and development.

These materials help us make a positive difference in the world by being safe and environmentally friendly. We also focus on being more diverse and making responsible decisions when buying things. This includes reducing how much pollution we create.

Our Group is determined to make our company’s impact on the environment smaller by decreasing the amount of greenhouse gases we produce directly. This means we are on a path to control global warming.

At Ayster, we strongly believe in practicing sustainable business strategies as a core part of our company culture. We think of sustainability as always working to improve current issues and constantly learning about new problems, using scientific knowledge.

We understand that we can only accomplish our goal of big change by considering the entire system. With us, our stakeholders also realize their role during times of change.

We are determined to make meaningful changes that benefit our stakeholders, grow our business, and act in a way that is good for both the present and future generations.